
Building On Strength

It's a known fact that employees are more productive and engaged when they enjoy their job.  This workshop helps participants identify their workplace strengths and find ways to apply these strengths in their individual or managerial roles.

Career Development

For employees to grow in their jobs, they need to be engaged. But with organizational priorities frequently shifting, engaging employees can prove to be difficult. In this session, managers and leaders learn how to help employees set their sights on their own jobs and careers - and how to adapt to internal changes that, at times, can seem like a moving target. The result: passionate employees with clear direction, achievable goals, and realizable advancement - employees who make things happen.

Coaching and Feedback

Can we talk? In the workplace, all too often, the answer is “no.” Yet, coaching and feedback conversations are what keep employees focused on what is important. It helps them think more deeply, has an ROI of 6 times its cost, and increases productivity 80% over training alone. This workshop introduces participants to the "3 E" model of coaching and gives them the opportunity to practice and hone their skills.


Are your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound)? In this workshop, managers and employees will learn how to craft SMART goals and ensure that they are aligned with the organization’s overall goals and direction.

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